@iLabAfrica’s neurodivergent students shine at the 2024 Microsoft Global Hackathon
Carol Okara, Irene Gitangu, Nicholas Irungu, Tracey Ng'inja, Amanda Wangari, Immanuel Njau, JohnPaul Parasi, and Gregory Ikenye. ‘Collaboration is one of the key ingredients to fuel innovation.’ The 2024 graduates of the Neurodivergent in Tech Programme make history as @iLabAfrica’s first Neurodivergent team to take on a Global Hackathon. The team displayed exceptional brilliance and innovation at the Microsoft Global Hackathon, held at Microsoft Garage in Nairobi on September 20, 2024. In collaboration with the Next Step Foundation, the @iLabAfrica team proudly sent a talented group of six students to represent them. Nicholas Irungu, Tracey Ng'inja, JohnPaul Parasi, Amanda Wangari, Immanuel Njau, and Gregory Ikenye who showcased their groundbreaking creation, a Neurosensory Device, an inventive solution aimed at transforming lives and advancing technology. The team of six, driven by their…