"Exploring Breakthroughs in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Advances in Parahydrogen-Induced Polarization Techniques for Enhanced Signal Sensitivity"
Dr. Gaspard HUBER has gone through a career in chemistry, starting with a chemical engineer diploma then pursuing with a doctorate in chemistry, in which he gave clues for a better understanding of exchange rate of electrons in and between iron-sulfur proteins, using NMR. In 1996, he left France and spent two years in Italy where he developed NMR methodology applied to metalloproteins. After a brief stay in Marseille, France, where he studied another metalloprotein, he joined a Start-up, Metabolic Explorer in 1999. There he was in charge of developing NMR profiles of biological extracts, for example of cells and wheat. He joined the CEA, the French Atomic Energy Commission, in 2002, as a researcher. From then, he developed NMR methodology in hyperpolarization based on rare gases and was also interested in metabolomics, for example during studies of the toxicity of nanoparticles on bacteria in river waters. He is actually mainly involved in hyperpolarization based on parahydrogen.
Dr. Gaspard HUBER
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