MEDIA CONSENT FORM "*" indicates required fields Name* First Middle Last Phone*Email* Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Name of Event / Purpose of Photo*Your National ID Number*Category*GuardianGuestParentInternational FacultyPartnerPart-time TrainerStrathmore StaffStrathmore StudentStrathmore AlumniShort Course participantAge Group* Minor (below 18 years) Adult (above 18 years) Name of Parent or GuardianParent/Guardian National ID NumberPrivacy Policy* I agree to the privacy policy. Consent* I hereby consent to participate in the above-mentioned event organized by @iLabAfrica -Strathmore University.I grant @iLabAfrica - Strathmore University, and its representatives permission to photograph, film, or record my likeness, voice, and activities during the event. I understand that these recordings may be used for promotional and educational purposes. : 44