@iLabAfrica, Strathmore University, in liaison with the Public Procurement Regulatory Board (PPRA) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ), ushered in a new age of Transparency with the Public Procurement Information Portal launch, August 7th, 2024 at KISM Towers. This launch marked the beginning of a more transparent era in tender management and approvals in alignment with SDG 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions) and more especially SDG 16.5 (Substantially Reduce Corruption and Bribery).
Initially, the system was launched in 2018 following non-protocol procedures that PPRA had to act on and ensure that the portal captured every detail from the call of the tender to certification and completion with solving issues related to procurement complaints which left the portal in dire need of a revamp.
The enhanced portal brought to life through @iLabAfrica is a state-of-the-art system aligned with the Open Contracting Data Standard (OCDS), which is a significant upgrade from its predecessor, which although revolutionary at the time, faced challenges in protocol adherence and comprehensive data capture. The enhanced PPIP platform aims to ensure the portal can comprehensively track procurement processes, from tender calls to certification and resolution of procurement-related complaints.

Patrick K. Wanjuki, Director General PPRA kick-started the event commending the enhanced portal for addressing issues related to transparency in procurement, as the role of the PPRA goes beyond reviewing and monitoring tenders and instead focuses more on assuring Kenyans that the tendering process is well-documented and accessible. He referred to PPRA as part of the country’s critical infrastructure because of its role in dealing with tenders and providing information to monitor government institutions.

Mr. George Murugu, Chairman of the Public Procurement Administrative Review Board (PPARB) further solidified Mr. Patrick’s call for transparency by saying, “The portal takes a new step towards achieving sustainable development Goals 2030 to ensure economic growth. The enhanced portal is a testament to the goals of the Review Board as it ensures a seamless procurement process that is transparent, accountable, and free from corruption. This not only safeguards public funds but also promotes confidence in the system.”

In continuation with the running theme of transparency, Hon. Jimmy Kahindi-Chairman Public Procurement Regulatory Board proclaimed, ‘The platform has continuously delivered the key principle of transparency, accountability, openness and enhanced disclosure of public procurement information to the public. In today’s fast-paced world, where data drives decisions and transparency fosters trust, we must have systems that are robust, intuitive, and accessible.’ He further praised the enhanced portal for its new range of features such as an automated ticketing system, help desk feature, and visibility on awarded tenders which simplify the procurement process and enhance accessibility to every individual. This advances the PPRA’s dedication to upholding procurement standards while also meeting the users’ expectations.

The launch was graced by government officials, policymakers, and members of the National Treasury to celebrate the coming of a new era in the procurement world. One of the profound statements was made by Mr. Thomas Ansorg- Cluster Coordinator, Governance and Peace, and Security GIZ Kenya saying, ‘If the system is not used then it is of no use.’ He encouraged organizations to utilize the portal to attain the SDG goals. He acknowledged the PPRA for playing a pivotal role in regulating public procurement and asset disposal systems in Kenya and how their efforts have significantly contributed to Socio-Economic development in Kenya. ‘The enhancements on PPIPs are not just technical enhancements, they are a leap forward in our collective effort to foster an open, transparent, and accountable public procurement system. We look forward to continuing this fruitful partnership and achieving milestones in public procurement.”

Dr. Joseph Sevilla, Director of @iLabAfrica, took the stage during the launch of the revamped PPIP platform, a significant milestone achieved in partnership with PPRA. He praised the iLabAfrica E-Health team from Strathmore University for their two years of relentless effort in developing this advanced system. The new platform, now aligned with the Open Contracting Data Standard (OCDS), boasts automated account approvals, enhanced visibility on awarded tenders, and several other innovative features.
The launch of the new enhanced PPIP platform represents a vital step towards enhancing transparency in the tendering process by providing a centralized platform where all tendering activities are documented and accessible making each stage of the procurement process open and auditable.
By @iLabAfrica Research and Innovation Centre, Strathmore University.
Procurement information portals are great news for both buyers and manufacturers! As a manufacturer of beauty equipment, LITONLASER is very willing to register its product information on such websites!