3D printing or additive manufacturing is a process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital file. The creation of a 3D printed object is achieved using additive processes. In an additive process an object is created by laying down successive layers of material until the object is created. Each of these layers can be seen as a thinly sliced horizontal cross-section of the eventual object.
Internet of Things (IoT) and 3D printing is the greatest marriage of two buzzwords in the history of tech. The internet of things, unlike the internet of applications and data, takes up 3D space and uses physical materials, including the electronics that control devices and carry their data home. The ability of 3D printers to produce one-offs from Computer Aided Design(CAD) designs cheaply and quickly promotes experimentation and is therefore a boon to designers. It should not surprise, then, that in the past few years we’ve begun to see the convergence of IoT and 3D printing, with 3D printing applied to the prototyping and even manufacturing of circuitry and printed circuit boards, much of it for IoT devices.
In this training we aim to enrich students and professionals with an introduction to understanding what 3D printing is, how 3D printers work and how it integrates in the IoT space. This is a comprehensive hands-on course with emphasis on creativity. Enrolled individuals will model and design 3D objects. Participants will get a chance to print their designs in 3D. There will also be a final capstone project where the participants will model, design and print their ideas.
Participants are to cover the following content under this training:
● Introduction to 3D printing-what is 3D printing, history of 3D printing, how 3D printers work, types of 3D printers.
● 3D Printing applications- areas of application, IoT integration, future capabilities, entrepreneurial opportunities in 3D technology.
● 3D Printing Software- 3D modelling software and how to use them, 3D modelling and design, 3D slicing, software laboratory practice.
● 3D Printing Hardware-Hardware schematic of a 3D printer, parts and functions of a 3D printer, materials in 3D printing, 3D printing lab experiment.
● Little or no knowledge in Computer-aided design(CAD).
● Knowledge on SOLIDWORKS or AutoCAD softwares will be an added advantage.
The program combines both theory and practice. It is a highly practical course and is therefore run in a computer laboratory with a workstation (with required software tools installed) provided to each participant.
● Individuals with IT backgrounds
● Business managers and entrepreneurs
● Engineers and inventors
● Hobbyists and makers
● Designers
All interested parties are more than welcome to attend. Participants will get a certificate to highlight their skills at the end of the course.
The training will be held at @iLabAfrica Research Centre on the 4th floor of the Student Centre in Strathmore University, Phase 2.
● Hands-on experience through practical sessions of 3D printing design and use of a 3D printer.
● 3D Modeling, Design and Printing certification.
This is an evening course running from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm and starts on 17 th June 2024
KShs. 25,000. This covers the training fee, laboratory fees and certificates.